Sunday, March 25, 2007

Why Should I Care????


Why Litter? Why Not?

Man, I love to throw shit out the window while I'm driving. There's nothing more satisfying than throwing garbage everywhere, and letting everything go to waste.

Hmmmm.... How does littering happen????

It Gets Blown

  • Litter can blow out of a truck bed without the driver knowing.
  • Avoid putting anything in a truck bed that might blow out on the road.
  • Cover all loads to avoid items blowing out.

It Gets Thrown

  • Litter shouldn't be thrown from a vehicle.
  • Avoid throwing litter out of car windows by keeping a litterbag in the car at all times. Request your free litterbag today!

It Gets Dumped

  • It is illegal to continue dumping your trash at the site where a dumpster once was.
  • These illegal dumping sites can poison groundwater and kill local wildlife.
  • Don't create illegal dumping sites.

"People are lazy"
yeah!!!! me too i am lazy..... BUT!!!!! Throwing trash anywhere??? Nah... I don't. I've learned my lesson.... People are lazy. I am a one of the People. Therefore I am lazy.. LOGIC???? NO!!!! In the first place I CARE for The ENVIRONMENT!!! I know what's right and what's wrong that is the LOGIC

By the way, why do we need to care for our environment??? Because those oldies told us to??? Nah.... I care for our environment because it also cares for me. it gives me all the thing i need in my entire life. It gives me water, food and shelter. Also, my shirt, my things in school came from our environment. THATS why we SHOULD learn to take care of it. BECAUSE if we don't.... What a disaster!!! Our life will be miserable...

So why should i care??? because i need to, because our environment cares also, because GOD cares too...

Ice Cream

ice cream

Well its almost summer time and it so so hot!!!... You can see me sometimes licking an ice cream. It makes me cool.

By the way, summer shouldn't be this too hot. I mean its hotter than before.

Yesterday, when i was in the tricycle going home, the smoke coming from the jeepneys makes me sick! I mean I cannot breath and i feel dizzy. The smell of the smoke is too bad and actually its hot!.

When i was in my house, I take a shower and I feel so refresh.

We, people, are demanding too much to our government forpossible ways to improve our living while we are the one whose making the pollutions!! We ask the government to clean the pasig river while we are the one throwing trash there!

What am i supposed to dO?

a) Do not ride a jeepney so i cannot be blame by others that i, too, contribute to the pollution
b) Just Ignore it. Im just a kid... hehehe

Well well... I should plant trees..... I know it can help...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

More than one woman dies every minute of every day.....

Consider the following:

  • More than one woman dies every minute of every day - 585,000 a year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) - due to preventable complications of pregnancy, childbirth or unsafe abortion.
  • Violence against women is a greater cause of death and disability among women aged 15 to 44 than either cancer, malaria or road traffic.
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM) - traditional procedures that involve cutting away parts of the female external genitalia - causes excruciating pain, shock and bleeding, and can lead to death. The estimated number of women and girls who have undergone some form of FGM is over 130 million.

I was shocked. Reading these facts makes me worry. What if someday, i am one of those women? Suffering from illnesses, abuse, pain and aches? Women plays an important role in this world. They are the one taking care of the family and also the reason why we are here...

"Feeding the World"

"The food scarcity part of the argument in the population debate is an interesting one -- people are hungry not because the population is growing so fast that food is becoming scarce, but because people cannot afford it."
- Anup Shah-


Yeah. I do believe in his statement. As a member of the population, i am also experiencing hunger. Nowadays, 5 pesos cannot heal our aching stomach... But before(I ask my mom) a cents can feed one individual. We have lots of sources for our food but the problem is it is too expensive. In our school me and my friends bring our own "baon's" because Cheeseburger cost 75 pesos. We can save a lot of money if we dont buy that burger. But.... maybe there's a main reason why food cost too much... Corruption ???

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weather Change Can Bring on Migraine

June 10, 2004 -- Weather forecast: cloudy, with chance of migraine.

You won't likely see that forecast in your local weather report. But a new study shows that changes in the weather mean migraine headaches for some people. And it may affect half of all migraine sufferers.

The report comes from Marcelo E. Bigal, MD, PhD, director of research at the New England Center for Headache in Stamford, Conn., and assistant professor of neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

Bigal and colleagues had 77 migraine patients keep detailed headache diaries for up to two years. Using National Weather Service data, they checked on the kinds of weather linked to migraine attacks.

An impressive 51% of the patients had weather-related migraines. However, 62% of the patients thought their headaches were linked to the weather. And few of the patients predicted the kind of weather linked to their migraines.

That's because it wasn't so much the weather itself as a change in weather that brought on migraines.

"The one constant in weather-triggered migraines is change," Bigal says in a news release. "We're realizing more and more that change -- or fluctuation -- is a major factor in migraine triggers, whether it's change in sleep patterns, estrogen levels, or weather."

Different kinds of weather change affected different patients:

  • 34% were sensitive to a change in temperature or humidity.
  • 14% were sensitive to a changing weather pattern.
  • 13% were sensitive to extremes of and/or a change in barometric pressure.
  • 10% were sensitive to more than one type of weather change.

What's going on?

"The brains of migraine sufferers are extremely sensitive, and stimulation that has no effect on most people can trigger migraines in those prone to them," Bigal says.



Today, i am not feeling well. I am not sure if i can go to school tomorrow. My parents told me that the weather change affects our health. I don't know where they get that info but i feel the pain. My head is aching and i have a fever. Too much heat in our environment may be the cause why i am sick now. I cannot go on with my post so i am ending it here. I feel dizzy now.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Technology... the cause of cancer???

Heavy Mobile Phone Use Increases Cancer Risk

According to Kjell Hansson Mild, who led the study, heavy users of mobile phones have a 240 percent increased risk of developing a malignant tumor on the side of the head where they press the phone to their ear.

Published in the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, the study defines “heavy use” as 2,000 hours of mobile phone use in the course of a decade, which "corresponds to 10 years' use in the work place for one hour per day."

Of the 2,200 cancer patients in the study, who ranged in age from 20 to 80 years old, 905 had a malignant brain tumor and just under one-tenth of that number were heavy mobile phone users.

"Of these 905 cases, 85 were so-called high users of mobile phones, that is they began early to use mobile and/or wireless telephones and used them a lot," said the authors of the study in a statement issued by the Institute.

In addition, the study concluded that early users, defined as people who started using a mobile phone before age 20, are also at greater risk of developing a malignant brain tumor.

The study also took into account factors such as smoking habits, working history and exposure to other known cancer-causing agents.

Limit Mobile Calls and Use Handsfree Options

Hansson Mild advised that the best ways for consumers to lower their risk of cancer related to mobile phones are to use their wireless phones less frequently and to use handsfree options when they do make or receive mobile calls. He said the research report about the study is not intended to cause public alarm or to raise concerns about widespread risk for the majority of people who use mobile phones.

"It does however give reason to use caution when calling on wireless phones,” he said in an interview with Dow Jones. “Use handsfree and avoid wireless when possible.”



I use my phone almost everyday and i was shocked knowing that I can have a brain tumor!!! I want to inform everyone about this because most of us didn't know that too much use of cellphone can lead us to death. After reading this article, I thought i cannot relate this to environmental issues but since most of the post are about effects of technology, pollutions etc.. I realized i can have this issue and I also wanted to spread the news. So after reading my post, you should limit using cellphones.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Throw Trash Anywhere

Over a period of many years, the West Bank and Jordan Valley have become an environmental disaster area: Raw sewage flows uncontrolled into the wadis and streams & leachate from unsanitary and unlined dump sites seep into the springs and aquifers. The result is that water sources are being destroyed at an alarming rate and the mountain aquifer is in danger of being irreversibly polluted and destroyed.


People blame the government for the disaster that happens with in their lives. But if we look a little closer, these people are the one's contributing trash in our community. I admit sometimes i throw my trash anywhere.I don't care since we have a janitor. My reason? If i don't litter, the janitor don't have to clean anything. I'm just helping him in his job. If there's a lot of trash, he will clean it. He still have his work. But i realized, its not a good idea. I contribute pollutions. Instead of improving our community, we are ruining it. That's why i learned that i should throw my trash in its proper place. In a little way, I save our community by not adding pollution to it.

Fast Food Waste

Progress is Slow on Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Fast Food Waste

Along with burgers, tacos and french fries, fast food restaurants serve up a mountain of paper, plastic and Styrofoam waste every day. Fast food waste is a growing problem, as fast food chains expand and open new restaurants around the world. Some fast food companies have taken voluntary steps to reduce, reuse or recycle their waste, but is that enough? Do we need stronger regulations to govern fast food waste?


I really like eating at Mcdonalds near our school. Almost everyday me and my friends eat there, lunch break and before we go home. Foods are serve in a Styrofoam, plastic cups, plastic spoon and fork. After we finished our meal, we just left our messes. The crew just put it in trash. If it happens everyday, we can have a huge amount of trash of plastics and Styrofoam. Me and my friends prefer to bring "baon's" in school. We can save a lot of money and we can help lessen the Styrofoam and plastics used in the Fast Food.